the importance of content marketing

The Importance of Content Marketing for Your WordPress Business

For the average WordPress business, content marketing might seem like an afterthought.

But when it comes to marketing your business, the importance of content marketing is stark. 

Not only does content marketing get three times more leads than paid search advertising, but marketers who prioritize blogging efforts are 13x more likely to see positive ROI.

You’re here for a reason, so in this article, I’ll outline what content marketing is and the importance of content marketing for your business. We’ll take a look at how it helps your ranking in search engines and your relationship with potential clients and customers. 

If you’d like to skip the article and jump straight into having someone do your content marketing for you, click here:

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is the creation and sharing of online material. This can include articles, e-books, videos, webinars and more. Generally speaking, it’s ‘content’ that provides answers to questions or provides some kind of value to the reader/viewer.

In this article, we’ll be focusing on the benefits of blog/article content marketing for your WordPress business

The importance of content marketing

We’ve outlined what content marketing is, so let’s dive deeper into its benefits. Content marketing has two huge benefits, its impact on your search engine ranking and its impact on your relationship with your clients/customers.

content marketing for SEO

Content marketing for SEO

Firstly let’s talk about content marketing’s impact on your SEO(search engine optimisation), or Google ranking. 

Content marketing targets your ideal client/customer

When done right, good content marketing should find the specific keywords your ideal client/customer is searching for in Google and create blog posts/articles around them. These keywords should be directly related to your business and you should be able to rank for them. 

Benefit: When achieved, you’ll be first on the list in Google to answer your ideal client/customer’s questions or queries directly – there’s no better way to gain business than that!

It builds links 

Great content is created when you answer every single one of your potential client/customer’s questions. In other words, the answers you provide in your article are so good, they don’t need to look anywhere else

Benefit: When done, your content will be shared for its value. Great content encourages this sharing naturally. The result of which is more links back to your website which build over time and increase your standing with Google.

Content marketing gives you Google cred

Google rewards sites that produce good content. It’s as simple as that.

Benefit: If the content you produce keeps people on the page, encourages them to visit other pages on your site and gets linked to a lot, then the likelihood is, you’ll be rewarded with a higher rank on Google.

So when it comes to creating blog posts for your website, only the most informative and valuable will do.

content marketing builds trust

Content marketing for your potential clients/customers

We’ve gone through the benefits of content marketing on your Google ranking, now it’s time to delve into how it benefits your relationship with potential clients/customers.

Content marketing isn’t just about ranking highly on Google. It also has to take into consideration how you convert those visitors into leads or sales.

It solidifies your expertise

When you create content which answers questions within your niche, you’re essentially demonstrating your knowledge and expertise to any potential clients/customers that visit your website.

Benefit: This on its own builds trust from the get-go and enables you to do less convincing down the line and more selling.

Content marketing builds brand awareness

A good brand is one that knows its customers’ problems, wants and needs and works to find solutions to those. The best way you can demonstrate this knowledge is to create content that advertises it.

Benefit: When done right, your content will showcase that you care about your clients/customers, want to help and are willing to give away some of your knowledge for free. There’s nothing that builds trust quicker than that.

It generates leads for your business

When you answer a visitor’s question in full through a blog post or article, you’re helping them solve a problem that they wouldn’t have been able to sell without your help.

Benefit: So, when done strategically, you can use these valuable pieces of content to generate leads. Depending on your goals, you can insert a call to action to sign up to an email list, start a free trial or get in touch.

Round up

Content marketing shouldn’t be an afterthought in your WordPress business, it should be the bread and butter. When invested in, its benefits are extremely rewarding and if evergreen, the content has the ability to keep working for you, long after it has been published.

Unlike social media, content marketing is completely within your control, direct and has a much greater return on investment.

If you’re looking to invest in content marketing for your WordPress or online business but don’t have the time to put a strategy in place and implement it, take a look at my services here: